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Qmms::Log::Category Class Reference

The most important class in the qmmslog package. More...

#include <log.hh>

Inheritance diagram for Qmms::Log::Category::

Qmms::Log::BaseCategory Qmms::Log::RootCategory List of all members.

Public Methods

 ~Category ()
 Destructor does nothing. More...

bool isCategory ()
Category * getParent () const
 Accessor method. More...

void setParent (Category *p)
 Accessor method. More...

QString getFQN () const
 Accessor method. More...

void setFQN (const QString fqn)
 Accessor method. More...

bool getAdditivity () const
 Accessor method. More...

void setAdditivity (const bool atv)
 Accessor method. More...

void setLevel (const QString lvl)
 Accessor method. More...

QString getChainedLevel ()
 Returns the inherited category of this category. More...

bool isEnabledFor (const QString lvl)
 Checks whether the category is enabled for the given level. More...

void addAppender (const AppenderSkeleton *apdr)
 Adds the given appender to this category. More...

AppenderSkeletongetAppender (const QString name) const
 Accessor method. More...

bool removeAppender (AppenderSkeleton *apdr)
 Removes the appender from this category's QDict of appenders. More...

bool removeAppender (QString name)
 Removes the named appender from this category's QDict of appenders. More...

bool contains (const AppenderSkeleton *apdr) const
 Checks if named appender is contained in the QDict of appenders. More...

bool contains (const QString &name) const
 Checks if named appender is contained in the QDict of attached appenders. More...

void callAppenders (LoggingEvent *evnt)
 Appends the given LoggingEvent to all the appenders attached to this Category and all its ancestors, if the category's additivity flag is set. More...

void closeAllAppenders ()
 Calls close() on each appender attached to this category. More...

void removeAllAppenders ()
 Calls removeAppender() on all Appenders attached to this category. More...

AppDictgetAppenderList ()
 Accessor method. More...

void logWithLevel (QString lvl, QString msg)
 Creates a LoggingEvent from the given message and logs it with the given level. More...

void debug (QString msg)
 Calls logWithLevel() with the DEBUG level. More...

void info (QString msg)
 Calls logWithLevel() with the INFO level. More...

void notice (QString msg)
 Calls logWithLevel() with the NOTICE level. More...

void warn (QString msg)
 Calls logWithLevel() with the WARN level. More...

void error (QString msg)
 Calls logWithLevel() with the ERROR level. More...

void fatal (QString msg)
 Calls logWithLevel() with the FATAL level. More...

Static Public Methods

Category * getInstance (const QString name, const QString fqn)
 Static method used to get an instance of a named category. More...

Category * getInstance (const QString name)
 Same as above, but with one less argument. More...

HierarchygetDefaultHierarchy ()
 Static method that returns a pointer to the default Hierarchy. More...

Category * getRootCat ()
 Static method that returns a pointer to the root category. More...

void shutdown ()
 Calls shutdown() in class Hierarchy. More...

Protected Methods

 Category ()
 Default constructor does nothing. More...

 Category (const QString name, const QString fqn)
 The constructor is protected because Categories are never instantiated this way. More...

 Category (const Category &rhs)
 Copy constructor is also private. More...

QString getLevel () const
 Accessor method. More...

Protected Attributes

Category * parent
 Pointer to parent category of this category. More...

QString FQN
 Fully-qualified classname of class calling the category. More...

QString level
 The assigned loglevel of this category can be null, in which case the category inherits a level from its ancestor(s) in the hierarchy. More...

AppDict appenderList
 QDict of appenders attached to this category. More...

bool additive
 Additivity is set to true by default. More...

bool hasLevel
 Flag to indicate whether this category has a LogLevel explicitly set. More...

Static Protected Attributes

 The hierarchy the categories are in. More...


class Hierarchy
 Hierarchy is a friend class because it needs to call the constructor. More...

Detailed Description

The most important class in the qmmslog package.

Categories are instantiated using the static method getInstance() and NEVER by invoking the constructor directly. (Aside: constructors are private for this reason.) Having getInstance() handle Category instances ensures that the Hierarchy of categories is maintained properly. Specifically, descendants can be created before their ancestors. Some examples would probably be beneficial.

Here is a typical way to use the qmmslog system.

include <iostream>
include <qmms/log.hh>
using namespace std;
using namespace Qmms::Log;

class CatTest
      Category* cat;
      Category* catfoo;
      Category* catfoobar;
         cout << "Creating CatTest" << endl;
         catfoobar = Category::getInstance( "", typeid(this).name );
         cat = Category::getInstance( "cat" );
         catfoo = Category::getInstance( "", typeid(this).name );
         cout << "Deleting CatTest" << endl;
      void test()
         catfoobar->debug( "This is a debug" ); 
         cat->warn( "This is a warn" );
         catfoo->info( "This is an info" );
         cat->fatal( "This is a fatal" );

int main( int argc, char** argv )

   CatTest ct;

   return 0;
This code can be found in main.cpp, included with this package.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Qmms::Log::Category::Category   [protected]

Default constructor does nothing.

Qmms::Log::Category::Category const QString    name,
const QString    fqn

The constructor is protected because Categories are never instantiated this way.

Use the static method getInstance() instead.

name  the name of this Category

Qmms::Log::Category::Category const Category &    rhs [protected]

Copy constructor is also private.

Does not copy the appender list.


Destructor does nothing.

Member Function Documentation

void Qmms::Log::Category::addAppender const AppenderSkeleton   apdr

Adds the given appender to this category.

apdr  the appender to add

void Qmms::Log::Category::callAppenders LoggingEvent   evnt

Appends the given LoggingEvent to all the appenders attached to this Category and all its ancestors, if the category's additivity flag is set.

This method is thread-safe.

evnt  the LoggingEvent to append

void Qmms::Log::Category::closeAllAppenders  

Calls close() on each appender attached to this category.

bool Qmms::Log::Category::contains const QString   name const

Checks if named appender is contained in the QDict of attached appenders.

name  reference to name of appender
true if appender is in QDict, false otherwise

bool Qmms::Log::Category::contains const AppenderSkeleton   apdr const

Checks if named appender is contained in the QDict of appenders.

apdr  pointer to the appender for whose existence we are checking
true if apdr is in the QDict of appenders, false otherwise

void Qmms::Log::Category::debug QString    msg

Calls logWithLevel() with the DEBUG level.

msg  the message to log

void Qmms::Log::Category::error QString    msg

Calls logWithLevel() with the ERROR level.

msg  the message to log

void Qmms::Log::Category::fatal QString    msg

Calls logWithLevel() with the FATAL level.

msg  the message to log

bool Qmms::Log::Category::getAdditivity   const

Accessor method.

the additivity flag

AppenderSkeleton* Qmms::Log::Category::getAppender const QString    name const

Accessor method.

name  the name of the desired appender
a pointer to the named appender

AppDict* Qmms::Log::Category::getAppenderList  

Accessor method.

the QDict of appenders

QString Qmms::Log::Category::getChainedLevel  

Returns the inherited category of this category.

Examines this category and all its ancestors until one is found with a loglevel explicitly set. The root category always has a level, so this method always returns a value.

the inherited level

Hierarchy* Qmms::Log::Category::getDefaultHierarchy   [static]

Static method that returns a pointer to the default Hierarchy.

pointer to the default hierarchy

QString Qmms::Log::Category::getFQN   const

Accessor method.

the fully-qualified class name of the category

Category* Qmms::Log::Category::getInstance const QString    name [static]

Same as above, but with one less argument.

name  the name of the desired category
a pointer to the desired Category

Category* Qmms::Log::Category::getInstance const QString    name,
const QString    fqn

Static method used to get an instance of a named category.

It simply calls the static method getCatInstance() in class Hierarchy, thus keeping the Hierarchy invisible to the user.

name  the name of the desired Category
fqn  the fully-qualified class name of the category
a pointer to the desired Category

QString Qmms::Log::Category::getLevel   const [protected]

Accessor method.

Should be used with care, since it will attempt to return a level even if no level exists. That is, check the boolean attribute hasLevel first.

the level of this category

Category* Qmms::Log::Category::getParent   const

Accessor method.

pointer to parent category of this category

Category* Qmms::Log::Category::getRootCat   [static]

Static method that returns a pointer to the root category.

pointer to the root category

void Qmms::Log::Category::info QString    msg

Calls logWithLevel() with the INFO level.

msg  the message to log

bool Qmms::Log::Category::isCategory   [virtual]


Reimplemented from Qmms::Log::BaseCategory.

bool Qmms::Log::Category::isEnabledFor const QString    lvl

Checks whether the category is enabled for the given level.

It does this by checking that the given level is not less than the inherited level of this category.

lvl  the level to check against the inherited level
true if this category is enabled for the given level, false otherwise

void Qmms::Log::Category::logWithLevel QString    lvl,
QString    msg

Creates a LoggingEvent from the given message and logs it with the given level.

lvl  the level with which to log
msg  the messsage to turn into a LoggingEvent and log

void Qmms::Log::Category::notice QString    msg

Calls logWithLevel() with the NOTICE level.

msg  the message to log

void Qmms::Log::Category::removeAllAppenders  

Calls removeAppender() on all Appenders attached to this category.

bool Qmms::Log::Category::removeAppender QString    name

Removes the named appender from this category's QDict of appenders.

Does nothing if named appender does not exist.

name  name of the appender to remove
true if appender successfully removed, false otherwise

bool Qmms::Log::Category::removeAppender AppenderSkeleton   apdr

Removes the appender from this category's QDict of appenders.

apdr  pointer to the appender to remove
true if appender successfully removed, false otherwise

void Qmms::Log::Category::setAdditivity const bool    atv

Accessor method.

Sets the additivity property.

atv  the value with which to set the additivity flag

void Qmms::Log::Category::setFQN const QString    fqn

Accessor method.

Sets the fully-qualified class name of the category.

fqn  the fully-qualified class name

void Qmms::Log::Category::setLevel const QString    lvl

Accessor method.

Explicitly sets the loglevel of this category.

lvl  the level to set

void Qmms::Log::Category::setParent Category *    p

Accessor method.

Sets the parent of this category.

p  pointer the parent category of this category

void Qmms::Log::Category::shutdown   [static]

Calls shutdown() in class Hierarchy.

Use this to close the qmmslog system properly.

void Qmms::Log::Category::warn QString    msg

Calls logWithLevel() with the WARN level.

msg  the message to log

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class Hierarchy [friend]

Hierarchy is a friend class because it needs to call the constructor.

Member Data Documentation

bool Qmms::Log::Category::additive [protected]

Additivity is set to true by default.

That is, children inherit the appenders of their ancestors by default. If this variable is set to false then the appenders found in the ancestors of this category are not used. However, the children of this category will inherit the category's appenders, unless the children have their additivity flags set to false as well.

AppDict Qmms::Log::Category::appenderList [protected]

QDict of appenders attached to this category.

Hierarchy* Qmms::Log::Category::defaultHierarchy [static, protected]

The hierarchy the categories are in.

QString Qmms::Log::Category::FQN [protected]

Fully-qualified classname of class calling the category.

bool Qmms::Log::Category::hasLevel [protected]

Flag to indicate whether this category has a LogLevel explicitly set.

QString Qmms::Log::Category::level [protected]

The assigned loglevel of this category can be null, in which case the category inherits a level from its ancestor(s) in the hierarchy.

Category* Qmms::Log::Category::parent [protected]

Pointer to parent category of this category.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated on Fri Jan 3 15:04:02 2003 for QmmsLog by doxygen1.2.12 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001