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QmmsLog Compound List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
Qmms::Log::AppenderAbstract base class for AppenderSkeletons
Qmms::Log::AppenderSkeletonAbstract base class for all Appenders
Qmms::Log::BaseCategoryAbstract base class for Categories and ProvisionNodes
Qmms::Log::BasicConfiguratorClass of static methods that configures the qmmslog system in a simple manner
Qmms::Log::CategoryThe most important class in the qmmslog package
Qmms::Log::ConsoleAppenderConsoleAppender extends StreamAppender to append log events to either stdout or stderr
Qmms::Log::FileAppenderFileAppender extends StreamAppender to append log events to a file
Qmms::Log::HierarchyThis class retrieves categories by name from a QDict and maintains the category hierarchy
Qmms::Log::HTMLLayoutNot implemented yet
Qmms::Log::LayoutAbstract base class for Layouts
Qmms::Log::LayoutAppenderBase class for Appenders that require a Layout
Qmms::Log::LogExceptionHandy little exception class that handles exceptions within the qmmslog system
Qmms::Log::LoggingEventStructure that holds the event to be logged
Qmms::Log::LogLevelAbstract class of static methods
Qmms::Log::LogLogAbstract class of static methods used to output log statements from within the qmmslog package
Qmms::Log::PatternLayoutA layout formatted according to a pattern of tokens
Qmms::Log::PropertyConfiguratorClass of static methods that configures the qmmslog system from a properties file
Qmms::Log::ProvisionNodeUsed as a placeholder in the Hierarchy, so that a Category can be created without first creating its parent
Qmms::Log::RollingFileAppenderRollingFileAppender extends FileAppender by backing up the log files when they reach a certain size
Qmms::Log::RootCategoryExtends Category to make a special category used as the root of the hierarchy
Qmms::Log::SimpleLayoutA Layout much like PatternLayout but with no flexibility
Qmms::Log::SMTPAppenderNot implemented yet
Qmms::Log::SocketAppenderNot implemented yet
Qmms::Log::StreamAppenderAbstract base class for any appenders that use a stream
Qmms::Log::SyslogAppenderSends LoggingEvents to syslog
Qmms::Log::TextEditAppenderAppender that spews QmmsLog output to a QTextEdit widget, which is why it has two base classes, namely LayoutAppender and QTextEdit

Generated on Fri Jan 3 15:04:00 2003 for QmmsLog by doxygen1.2.12 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001